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Refer-a-friend Program Tell a friend about your therapeutic massage experience. With each referral, you receive a 30 minute massage certificate to use towards your next session, or to give as a gift for a friend! Pre-Paid Massage Card Purchase a Pre-Pa...


Weimagelcome to Blue Anam Cara: Massage Therapy for Inner Peace.

Blue Anam Cara is a seamless fusion of therapeutic and relaxation massage therapy with energetic techniques used to help your body do what it does best: heal!

A strong massage therapy foundation with experience and skill in swedish, deep tissue, active isolated stretching, trigger point/tender point release, myofascial massage, neuromuscular techniques, geriatric/hospice, and prenatal massage ensures that you are in great hands.

Whether you are looking to reduce your stress, work out problem areas or old injuries, or are seeking therapeutic, compassionate touch therapy for peace of mind and spirit, Blue Anam Cara has a plan customized to your needs and lifestyle!

Blue Anam Cara was conceived in 2011 by Cara Amenta, with a very holistic and peaceful approach to bodywork. By using techniques that work with the body, instead of against it, the body can easily come back into its natural alignment, reducing physical and emotional stresses. Stress causes great trauma to the human body, and massage therapy incorporated with energy work is an effective and soothing way to maintain a wellness-based lifestyle.

Cara Amenta is a nationally certified massage therapist who graduated from Cortiva Institute-Chicago School of Massage Therapy. She also received her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. During her time at the University of Illinois, she also became deeply passionate for energy work, and began to take courses with the Healing Touch Program.

"What I love about massage therapy and energy work are that they are the perfect fusion of Eastern and Western medicine. On one hand, you have massage therapy, where you are manually moving the body and invigorating the tissues to promote health; on the other hand, Healing Touch work connects with the more subtle energy of the body, and can be used at any stage of life and health, even in cases where massage wouldn't be indicated. It's a passion of mine to help people life their lives to the fullest, and with their deepest connection to themselves in mind, body, and spirit."

Cara Amenta is trained in a variety of modalities, and you can click on the "Services & Rates" page to learn more about the various techniques she uses in her work.

Also, if you’d like to set up an appointment, click on "Contact Me" and send me a message. Cara will call you back to confirm the details of your appointment, and also answer any questions you might have.

Thanks for visiting, and have a beautiful day!


Be sure to like Blue Anam Cara on Facebook for special offers and information on the latest and greatest in wellness! http://www.facebook.com/BlueAnamCara

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